Just a quick reminder that our annual fundraiser takes place THIS WEEKEND.
– 24 hour relay by players from hurling and camogie club – players run 6km each – €20 entry
– 12km bicycle ride – open to all – Cycle is 9am till 10am Saturday so be at club 8.30am latest
– 6km track walk – open to all – Walkers can arrive and walk anytime between 2pm and 6pm Saturday or Sunday 8am until 12 noon – €20 entry fee
– Virtual run – see details below – €20 entry fee
– Tractor run Saturday evening – to get involved be at the Clubhouse between 6.30pm and 6.45pm on Saturday. €50 per tractor
Entry fees can be paid on the day or through our Go Fund Me Page.
Please help the cause by donating on our Go Fund Me page for the event:
Everyone who donates goes into a free draw for a 50’’ TV!